MetroRock Waiver Station

Before enjoying MetroRock activities, you must first fill out a waiver for everyone entering the facility. A copy will be available to be sent to the email address provided, once verified.

Climbing and related activities carry an inherent risk. Please read the MetroRock Customer Orientation information listed on the wall above the waiver station.

Rules of Rock

  1. ALL top-rope climbers and belayers must be 14+ and pass a belay test before using ropes. BOTH partners must be belay certified to top-rope together.

    (Same rules apply to lead climbers and belayers! Those 13 & under may climb on top-rope as long as their belayer has passed a belay test. All lead climbing requires passing of a lead test)

  2. Only MetroRock staff are allowed to conduct instruction of any sort.

    (Most instruction requires an advance appointment. Come see us at the front desk to book a lesson!)

  3. No running or roughhousing

    (We know it’s tempting, but it’s dangerous and distracting to others in the facility)

  4. Unless you are part of a MetroRock event, ropes are for climbing only

    (Please save your swinging for the playground.)

  5. Boulder smart. Every fall is a ground-fall!

    (Exit top of the boulder structure immediately via the staircase on the mezzanine. Please see MetroRock staff for a tutorial on smart bouldering practice)

  6. Use of the ropes course requires guidance by a MetroRock instructor.

    (See front desk to book an appointment)

  7. Keep your eyes up to watch for falling climbers!

    (Boulders and lead climbers can take some pretty unpredictable falls! Do not climb/walk/run under others!)

  8. If you see something immediately unsafe, please address it.

    (Report any unsafe practice to MetroRock staff)

  9. Children under age 14 must be accompanied and monitored by an adult

  10. Be excellent to each other

    Good climbing etiquette helps keep the MetroRock community thriving.

This is a summary of the facilities rules. Please review our orientation rules at the waiver station and adjacent to the restrooms. We are here to help make your experience a positive one, but cannot do so without your cooperation. As we engage in this marvelous sport, please remember that climbing in inherently dangerous.

Privacy Policy: Information collected here will only be used by MetroRock Climbing Centers. MetroRock will never sell your personal information.